As I've noted before, no computer model is perfect, especially one that attempts to predict the behavior of unpredictable people. Some of its whiffs come out of the blue, but some are obvious if you look hard enough. Here are a few teams that I think the selection model is currently overvaluing.


I don't know where they'll show up tomorrow, but as of today the model had them comfortably in. Oddly enough, the loss to ECU bumped the Pirates into the top 100, which (marginally, albeit) increases the value of UAB's regular season sweep.

One problem is that they technically have a top-50 win, but it was against the #50 team (VCU) and it was at home. They are 9-7 against top 100, which is better than many of the bubble teams, but only 1-4 against top 50, and that one is just barely top 50.

Penn State and Michigan State

Each has a bad overall record, which the committee will certainly notice. For each, a run in the Big Ten tourney could mitigate that factor. Penn State is slightly more overvalued than the Spartans. They have a similar profile on the surface to Michigan and Michigan State, but it is qualitatively worse. Their best road win was at #75 Minnesota and the overall quality of their wins (and losses) don't stack up. (Comparison table described here.)

Results through games of March 9.


Penn St. (16 wins)Michigan St. (16 wins)
5652Wisconsin (13)H1313HWisconsin (13)6461
5755Illinois (40)H2727HIllinois (40)6157
6662Michigan St. (47)H3333NWashington (45)7671
6663Minnesota (75)A4438AOakland (52)7776
6663Minnesota (75)H5041HPenn St. (56)7557
6652Northwestern (91)A5747AMinnesota (75)5348
6541Northwestern (91)H6251HMinnesota (75)7162
7773Duquesne (93)H6656ANorthwestern (91)6562
6449Fairfield (100)H6960HNorthwestern (91)7167
7049Furman (116)H7467HSouth Carolina (128)8273
7761Central Connecticut (148)H8176HIowa (172)8566
6551Iowa (172)H8885HIndiana (182)8483
6657Saint Joseph's (176)H9593HTennessee Tech (191)7355
6960Indiana (182)A101104HBowling Green (248)7439
7056Lehigh (204)H108119HEastern Michigan (324)9666
5753Mount St. Mary's (232)H116132HPrairie View A&M (334)9051


Penn St. (13 losses)Michigan St. (13 losses)
6474Maine (215)H215172AIowa (172)5272
3962Maryland (102)H159115HMichigan (57)5761
7184Mississippi (80)A13295AMichigan (57)6370
6979Virginia Tech (64)A11586APenn St. (56)6266
6265Michigan (57)H10476AIllinois (40)6271
6976Michigan (57)A9668NConnecticut (24)6770
5775Michigan St. (47)A8960NSyracuse (17)5872
5168Illinois (40)A8355HTexas (14)5567
6676Wisconsin (13)A7550AWisconsin (13)5682
6883Purdue (8)H6846HPurdue (8)4767
6263Purdue (8)A6342APurdue (8)7686
6182Ohio St. (2)H5839ADuke (5)7984
6669Ohio St. (2)A5336AOhio St. (2)6171


Penn St. (16 wins)Michigan (18 wins)
5652Wisconsin (13)H1334HHarvard (34)6562
5755Illinois (40)H2741AMichigan St. (47)6157
6662Michigan St. (47)H3343HMichigan St. (47)7063
6663Minnesota (75)A4445HOakland (52)6951
6663Minnesota (75)H5047APenn St. (56)6562
6652Northwestern (91)A5749HPenn St. (56)7669
6541Northwestern (91)H6250AClemson (60)6961
7773Duquesne (93)H6653AMinnesota (75)7063
6449Fairfield (100)H6958HNorthwestern (91)7566
7049Furman (116)H7464HUtah (119)7564
7761Central Connecticut (148)H8174AIowa (172)7572
6551Iowa (172)H8882HIowa (172)8773
6657Saint Joseph's (176)H9589HIndiana (182)7369
6960Indiana (182)A101101HBowling Green (248)6950
7056Lehigh (204)H108111HBryant (255)8771
5753Mount St. Mary's (232)H116120HNorth Carolina Central (258)6444
  HGardner Webb (260)8058
  HSouth Carolina Upstate (313)6635


Penn St. (13 losses)Michigan (12 losses)
6474Maine (215)H215182AIndiana (182)6180
3962Maryland (102)H159137ANorthwestern (91)6074
7184Mississippi (80)A132116HMinnesota (75)6469
6979Virginia Tech (64)A115103NTexas El Paso (63)5665
6265Michigan (57)H10490AIllinois (40)5254
6976Michigan (57)A9678NSyracuse (17)5053
5775Michigan St. (47)A8969HWisconsin (13)5253
5168Illinois (40)A8362AWisconsin (13)5066
6676Wisconsin (13)A7556HPurdue (8)5780
6883Purdue (8)H6850HOhio St. (2)6468
6263Purdue (8)A6346AOhio St. (2)5362
6182Ohio St. (2)H5842HKansas (1)6067
6669Ohio St. (2)A  

The Tigers have four losses outside the RPI top 100. Their best road win is at #71 College of Charleston. Their 8-6 record against the top 100 is good, but somewhat deceptive. Five of those wins were over teams ranked between 71 and 100.


Harvard's non-conference RPI (30th) is very good, but misleading. They played four non-conference road games against the top 57, which boosts their RPI, but they only won one. Their selection score is 7.8 (out of 100), meaning if they lose to Princeton, they'll probably fall out anyway, so I'm not too worried about them.